Help Our Church
Reach the World!
You can help strengthen Endurance Church of the Valley as we grow.
Giving cheerfully and generously of our finances is one of our acts of worship. It expresses our gratitude toward God and shows we’re serious about serving others with our financial resources. More importantly, it shows that we understand that every good thing we receive in our lives comes from God, and we’re willing to share back with Him and for Him. Christ is doing great things here with ECV, and you can help strengthen Endurance Church of the Valley as we grow.
Your generous and openhanded gifts are greatly appreciated and distributed wisely. When you give of your finances, time, talents, and material posesseions, know that you are supporting the ECV ministries serving you, your family, and activities in the community; providing for free resources and Bibles; supporting the media of ECV; assisting orphans and widows amongst us, and members of the body needing assistance; and allowing for the gifts given to be built up and edified through the provision of educating and spiritually developing materials and opportunities.
We appreciate you, and we are made joyous through your desire to benefit the ministry efforts of Endurance Church of the Valley. Your prayers and support enable us to fulfill Christ’s mission to make disciples, develop ministries, and plant churches. We’re are running our race with diligence, headed toward the prize of sharing more of Jesus with the world. Join us!
“But since you excel in everything – in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you – see that you also excel in this grace of giving.” 2 Corinthians 8:7
We have options for in-person giving at our weekly services.
If you would like to give from your phone text ecvgive to 715–803-4772